第一阶段:入门适应富爸爸穷爸爸 Rich Dad Poor Dad
1.自传类 ①奉上幸福 Delivering Happiness ②杰克,韦尔奇自传Straightfrom the Gut③别闹了费曼先生 Surely, you\’rejoking, Mr. Feynman
2 .传记类(乔布斯) ① Becoming SteveJobs ②Thesecondcoming of SteveJobs
3社科类 ①AlivnToffler阿尔文•托夫勒未来三部曲未来的冲击FutureShock
第三次浪潮TheThird Wave 权力的转移 Powershift: Know ledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century
②Malcolm Gladwell马尔科姆胳拉德威尔异类:不一样的成功启示录Outliers:The Story of Success
引爆点 TheTipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference 决断两秒间Blink:The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
小狗看世界Whatthe Dog Saw: And Other Adventures
逆转 Davidand Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
③BHI Bryson © 万物简史 Ashort history of nearly everything
第三阶段精读外国人写的中国题材 ①Peter Hesse ler彼得■海斯勒(何伟)江城 RiverTown: Two Years on the Yangtze (P.S.) 甲骨文 OracleBones: A Journey Through Time in China 寻路中国 CountryDriving: A Chinese Road Trip
②James McGregor e 十亿消费者 Onebillion customer
③EvanOsnos e 野心时代:在新中国追逐财富、真理和信仰Ages ofambition