






  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aims:

  Students can be familiar with how compound words are constructed with the help of examples such as: snowman and bedtime.

  Students can get to know the basics of morphology.

  Ability aim:

  Students will be able to analyze the way that an English word is constructed.

  Emotional aim:

  Students can build confidence in enlarging their vocabulary efficiently.

  Key and difficult points:

  Key point:

  How to understand the definition and basic rule of compound words.

  Difficult point:

  How to analyze the way that an English word is constructed.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: Warming-up

  1. Greetings.

  2. Let students enjoy a song named Santa Claus is Coming to Town and ask them what the song is about. The song goes like this:

  You better watch out.

  You better not cry.

  You better not pout.

  I’m telling you why.

  Santa Claus is coming to town.

  He’s making a list.

  He’s checking it twice.

  He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.

  Santa Claus is coming to town.

  Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them that the song is about Christmas and Christmas is also the topic for today’s lesson.

  Step 2: Presentation

  1. Read the short paragraph and ask students to find out the words that are similar to “classroom” in terms of form.

  2. Ask students to analyze the similarities of these words: classroom, snowmen, bedtime.

  3. Summarize the definition of compounds: a new word that is made up of two or more words and the basic way of constructing a compound noun: noun plus noun.

  Step 3: Practice

  1. Mechanical drilling

  Ask students to write the plural form of these compounds: snowman, bedroom, newspaper, schoolmate, pen-friend.

  Then summarize the special rule: the plural form of a compound noun is decided by the core noun.

  2. Meaningful drilling

  Play the game-Word Master, the game goes like this:

  Step 1: divide students into 2 groups;

  Step 2: explain the rules: students from both groups are given 2 minutes to write on the blackboard examples of compound nouns as many as possible and repeated words from the same group are not counted, when time’s up, the group that make more examples win the game;

  Step 3: teacher acts as the judge to declare the winner of the game.

  Step 4: Production

  Ask students to work in groups of 4 to make a story using the words on the blackboard. 5 minutes will be given. When time’s up, one group will be invited to share their story then teacher will evaluate their performance.

  Step 5: Summary and Homework

  Summary: invite one student to summarize today’s lesson.

  Homework: ask students to discover more ways of word formation.

  Blackboard design:


  Teaching reflection


  1.What are the other forms of compound nouns expect for noun plus noun?



  Except for noun plus noun, compound nouns are mostly constructed in the following forms: firstly, verb plus adverb, such as comeback, blowup and runaway. Secondly, noun plus verb, such as snowfall, raindrop and sunrise. Thirdly, adjective plus noun, such as blackboard, gentleman, goodwill and etc.

  除了名词加名词外,复合名词还有以下几种形式构成:1.动词加副词,如:comeback, blowup, runaway; 2.名词加动词,如:snowfall, raindrop, sunrise; 3.形容词加名词, 如:blackboard, gentleman, goodwill等。

  2. As an English teacher, how do you enlarge students’ vocabulary?



  English is a relatively regular language that is constructed by many rules, in which word formation plays a significant role. Lacking corresponding knowledge is the main reason why students find it hard to expand their vocabulary and memorize new words. As an English teacher, in class, I will make use of examples to acquaint my students with different means of word formation, which will boost students’ confidence in enlarging their vocabulary as their understanding of morphology is enhanced. After class, I will seek opportunities to organize activities such as vocabulary master to motivate my students.
