《小饼干狗Biscuit》I can read 系列全套绘本(18本)+音频
《小饼干狗Biscuit》I can read 系列全套绘本(18本)+音频[百度云网盘]
“小饼干系列”是哈珀科林斯出版集团的经典品牌之一。许多国内的妈妈们大概早就听说过甚至接触过小饼干(Biscuit)了,该书正是著名的“Ican read”系列的看家书。网上找了好多个版本,都有缺失,带娃期间断断续续将找来不全的版本补齐,自己从APP找到的图片截屏然后合集成PDF,终于把I can read系列18本的音频和绘本补齐。
02.Biscuit in the Garder
03.Bathtime for Biscuit
04.Biscuit and the Baby
05.Biscuit and the Little Pup
06.Buscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear
07.Buscuit Finds a Friend
08.Biscuit Goes to School
09.Biscuit Loves the Library
10.Biscuit Meets the Class Pet
11.Biscuit Play Ball
12.Biscuit Takes a Walk
13.Biscuit Visits the Big City
14.Biscuit Wants to Play
15.Biscuit\’s Big Friend
16.Buscuit\’s Day at the Farm
17.Biscuit Wins a Price(合集P25~48)
18.Biscuit\’s New Trick(合集P49~70)